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What is my part?

Writer: Lo WeinsteinLo Weinstein

As I start my third blog post I am cozy in my favorite chair, watching my sweet pup sleep and enjoying the fresh flowers in the background that my sweet husband brought me home for Valentine's Day. These days the things I call "important" are a little different than they used to be. What is important to me now is a healthy soul, a home that ushers in the presence of God, intentional dedication of my time, a husband that is glowing from receiving the love of his wife and most importantly, obedience to the One who matters. I have said before that God always speaks to Sam in a way that is different than me, which is why we try to practice sharing God's Word and its unique speaking to us. When God says in Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart". He is saying when you read God's Word it becomes alive and relevant to YOU. It can bring wisdom to your situation and clarity to those thoughts you are having, if only you position yourself in a manner to read it and hear. So, one day last week Sam brings me into his office to let me know what God showed him in prayer time that morning. What I love most about what is about to be shared is this is a familiar passage of scripture to Sam. One he always references and one God has used many times to lead him. However, this time, God used the same passage to speak something totally new and different to him. While seeing his face beam with this new insight I couldn't help but think this would be perfect to share with you. Maybe this is a new passage for you or maybe you have heard it plenty before, whatever the case, I know God is always looking to show us something if only we are open to it. So, my prayer is that as you read this, you wouldn't ponder anyone but yourself. May your mind and emotions be at rest and may you be open for God to show you something in these words.

Before I get started, this is Lo's thing haha But I am always so honored when she asks me to share with her and now with you. Like she said, God speaks to us all different. If I really need to hear from God on something the first thing I am going to do is get in my truck and find a quiet field somewhere. You can be sure as quickly as I can turn my truck off, I feel God's presence the clearest and my mind starts to be at rest as I focus on His creation. Just me, him and the wild, that's where it's at! Now Lo, she is bored already at this point lol so this wouldn't be where you would find her. And I love that. It reminds me that we are both made equally in the image of God and if I will listen to her or look upon her, I can see a part of God I haven't seen before or maybe I forgot about. That's what I hope you get from these words. That God would use me to reveal Himself to you. That is whats most important right? So here we go. This is what God spoke to me, may it too speak to you.

I have always loved the Parable of Talents about investing. If you know me, you know God created me for many things but one being business. During my prayer time, God showed me a different angle on these verses, one that He has never showed me before. On that particular morning He showed me, It is not just about financial investing, this passage relates just as much if not more about investing your time, energy and anything else God has given you. First, lets start with the monetary so you can see the weight of these verses and just because I like numbers lol. In the scripture (Matt. 25:14-30, read this if you aren't familiar), a business man is leaving for an extended trip and calls 3 of his servants to watch over his money while he is away. He gives them different amounts according to their abilities the bible says. He gives one 5 talents, another 2 and another 1. Now, I'm going to give you a little math, because that is what speaks to me the most. To put this in prospective, a talent was a weight measurement, most of the time of a precious metal, about 75 LBS. If we use today’s market value of gold, a talent would be worth over $1,400,000.00! The servant that received 5 talents ($7 Million if we are referencing gold for illustration purposes) invested it and earned another 5 talents giving his “boss” a 100% return. The servant that received 2 talents ($2.8 Million) also giving his “boss” a 100% return. The servant that received 1 talent ($1.4 Million) dug a hole in the ground and put his talent in it and earned nothing, giving his “boss” a 0% return. Now, this where I normally would find confirmation on what is an acceptable return when it comes to business etc but I pondered a little longer and God showed me something else. The business man called the servant that buried his talent a “wicked, lazy servant” and threw him into darkness where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. You may be thinking this is pretty cruel, I mean he didn’t lose it right? Isn't that what we would think would be a fail or a loss, but I think God is saying the servant is wicked because he did nothing at all, took the easy and safe route, and made nothing out of the portion he was given. The third servant was given the same amount of time as the other two servants, yet did not take advantage of it. He was given a opportunity and something to steward and rather than turn it into something greater he just kept it how it was. God was showing me that the amount is not necessarily what made the return acceptable but the fact that he expected them to multiply what he had given them. It is because of his laziness that he did not get a return. He sabotaged himself, through his laziness, by disabling God the opportunity to give him wisdom on how to turn what he had been given into more. What I think we have to make sure of is that we are not being lazy in what God has called us to. Are we just going through the motions? If we are God followers that means God expects us the THRIVE not merely survive. Every area in your life is supposed to multiply and this isn't just in terms of money like the scripture is referencing. Your portion might be different than those around you but if you read the scripture it says God was only pleased with the servants that multiplied what they were given. That's the key. Ask Him to fill you with His wisdom and knowledge, to give you insight that can only come from Him and I know He will show you areas in your life that maybe you too are coasting in yet He wants to add to them. I always tell Lo we have to do our part first before there is room for God to do His. He won't do my part, that is why its called "my part" but He will be faithful to do His and we will give an account one day for the opportunists, people etc that He gave us and how we stewarded over them. Remember, pray like it depends on God (because IT DOES) and then work like it depends on you (because He WON’T bless laziness). I hope this helped you in some way and please know we are here to encourage and pray with you however we can! That's the awesome part of community, we can help each other become the best version. -Sam

Now I'm back. Here is what God was speaking to me as I listened to Sam...what are you doing with what God has given you? Do you leave others better than you found them? Are you someone God would trust His resources with and would you be someone who turned what He gave you into something greater? Are you using where and what you have currently? Or do you play it safe. I think if we aren't careful we can get into the mindset of,"once I have more money I will help, or a bigger house I will host that family, or when things slow down I will take in the foster kid that I know needs a home". But maybe God is asking you take what He has given you and use it right where you are and if you will rely on Him it will produce a return like He has called you to. I know this can be scary, but it will be worth it.

Thanks again for subscribing and encouraging me on this journey. I promise to continue to seek God and write what He shows me. Praying this helps you and would love to hear from you!

Be Blessed! XO, Lo.



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