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What kind of life do you want me to live?

Writer: Lo WeinsteinLo Weinstein

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Some of you reading this might think this is the strangest question to ask God. Like, are you REALLY supposed to ask Him what kind of life He wants you to live? Yesterday as I was reading God began to talk to me about this question and even about you. Did you know that God has a life for you to live that is uniquely designed for you. It is "tailor made" to fit you and not anyone else. Think about the visual even for a moment. If you were to try on someone else's tailored outfit you would feel awkward. It probably wouldn't fit, the color wouldn't be your go to choice, and the style could be all wrong. No matter the quality or how great it looks on them it probably doesn't fit you correctly because it wasn't made for you. It was made for someone else. And while you could maybe get away with wearing it, you won't feel as confident in it as you would in one that specifically designed for you. Yet, many times this is exactly what we do with our lives. We see our neighbors home, car, family, career, you name it and we try to replicate exactly what they have. We think if we don't go to the same activities as they do, meet with as many people as they meet with, serve at church where they serve and so much more that we are below the invisible bar that we have created. After all, isn't this what this world we live in tells us to do? We see others on social media and think if only my life was like theirs then I could be happy. But what if that is furthest from the truth. What if the reason many of us are unfulfilled and unhappy is due to looking around us to find the life to live when really we should be asking God what life He wants us to live. By now some of you are understanding this concept a little more, but don't check out just yet, God wants to take us a little further. Read this scripture and pay attention that Jesus Himself is speaking here. These are your red letters and this is so good!! "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:4-5).

I love a visual, so take a moment to really study this picture. What do you notice? I will tell you what I see. I see nourished fruit. These lemons didn't try to become apples, that would be silly. After all, we know this is a lemon tree, if they tried to be apples they would be unsuccessful. That's a corny analogy but I like corny. It helps me get it. God told them what to become and that's all they do. They become the very thing the Creator of the Universe designed them for and when they do we get to enjoy them! There are a couple things I want you to get from this verse and then we will make our way back. 1. Jesus is saying that if you don't remain in Him you cant produce fruit. (Pause, what does this really mean. If you will stop I know He will show you something deeper here) 2. Apart from Him you can do nothing. Now, nothing here has some underlining meanings. Have you ever done something and felt like you really did nothing of value? That is what He is saying here. It is possible in this world we live in to do "something" all the while it adding up to nothing! This is what happens when we get in someone else's lane and do what they do. They seem so fulfilled and we are so drained! That is because what is good for them might not be good for you. God might not be asking you to live that life and He is asking them to! Now, I can think of so many examples in my own life where I have followed God's leading and other people have criticized me for it. "You are doing too much or you need to be doing more". Isn't this a normal response for someone who does't know what God has told you. Guess what, that's ok! God hasn't told them but if He tells you then you can be assured that its what is best for you. Even now I am reminded when God spoke to me about starting our own mortgage company.Whew! It was clear and it was scary. Some people who meant well wanted me to understand that is would be hard, expensive, I was too young and too inexperienced and the list goes on and on. However, I asked God if this was the life He had for me and He said yes and for Sam and I that settled it. Here we are a year and half later and we are so full and fruitful. Now some of those same people want to remind us how hard it will be to continue, to have multiple businesses and raise a family etc but you know whats beautiful, if you are in your lane even the hard is fulfilling because you know you are living Gods best for you! So practically speaking what does all this have to do with you and your life. It means you need to ask yourself, are you living God's life for you or the one you have put on you? I think we all need reflection moments where we look at ourselves and see if somethings and people need to stay or need to go. Are these activities and things i'm doing adding value and life to me? Or am I constantly drained while trying to meet this never ending list of demands? My heart for you is for you to be in the center of God's will and fulfilled. And that might not look like what it has looked like in year's past for you and it's ok. Embrace it. I promise God's heart for you is to have you live and walk in peace. Now, before you sign out and go about your day, take some time to let this sink in and decide which steps to take. Remember, your story can help someone else and isn't that really what life is all about. So be vulnerable and share with me! You never know who needs to hear where you are to have the courage to move into something better!

Be Blessed! Xo, Lo.


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Feb 14, 2019

You completely amaze me Lo Weinstein! I am such a visual person and trust me when I say your descriptive analogy was perfect. I find myself often distancing myself from people that try to "wear" others lives but it also distances me from things that I need to funtion. After reading this I feel I have been going about this the wrong way. From now on when I feel this way I will remember it's just they don't see what I see. I love you with my whole heart! Thank you!


Lo Weinstein
Lo Weinstein
Feb 12, 2019

Thank you so much! I appreciate your encouraging words and support!


Feb 12, 2019

This is so incredibly well depicted. It is so good, I had to read it twice and simmer on it for a while!!


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